The logo for the greater white bear lake community foundation

Log In

Welcome to the Greater White Bear Lake Community Foundation Log In Site!

Use this page (or bookmark it in your favorites on your web browser) to login to the online portal right for you

The word fund holders is on a blue background with a house in the background.

For fundholders who wish to access their account, recommend grants, and view their statements.

A green background with the words `` nonprofit & grants committee '' on it.

For nonprofit organizations that wish to start or complete a grant application, or submit a grant report, in our online grant system.

Also, for committee members reviewing grant requests.

A group of people standing next to each other in a room with the words `` leadership tomorrow ''.

For individuals looking to apply to participate in our Leadership Tomorrow program.

A group of people standing next to each other in front of a sign that says board members.

For GWBLCF Board members to access governance materials and information.


We’re here to help. Call us at 651-408-5412 and we’ll guide you through the process. 

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